
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

*happy late new year*wink wink

hye poeple!hye bloggers!& hye readers*ade ke?*
well,it has been a month since the last time i updated this
so,actually i was quite busy with all the new things
around me.i mean,new job,new people,new environment and all that la.
firstly,i would like to say that i am totally happy with
this new job,*one of the factor,of course the salary itself*,now is the time i shud fulfill my dreams,
TO HAVE A CAR!Myvi is totally out of my list.
*my mom didnt agree*
so,i will move to my 2nd@b plan lah.
just wait n c for my new car*new ke*
i mean new in my hand.
tak tau lah nk update ape lagi.ekceli,
i just want to jot something down so that my blog ni
tak lah bersawang.& i dah takde masa nk berblogging
ekceli since balik keje,i am verrryyy the tiredddddd!!!!!
huargh!!!baru rase macam wanita bekerjaya,u noe..
hik2..tu je la kot..bytheway,i dpt new frens yg gila2 jugak mcm i..
ittuuu yg paling best!!!they are NARMATHA,ITA & IQA..
muah muah ketat ketat lah kat diorg:)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

myvi limited edition one and only

berangan tu tak salah.
so,to achieve sumting,berangan is a must.

Hi & assalamualaikum.
As the past entry,I was talking about quitting
my previous job.done!
so,sekarang i buat ape?tanam jagung.
hahaha.ofkos its so not me lah kan nak anggur2 bagai.
i am currently working.
in an oversea bank which is not-so-famous
to us but for the chinese,it is one
of the well known bank.
OCBC Bank.yes.not as a manager
ofkos.and not as a banker.i am only the tiny-little
part of the bank yg play the
most important role in case to sustain the customer.
CSE @ customer Service Exec.
mmg sounds mcm senang.but its kind a
hard since my studied background is not from a banking
or a card,i am a science student.
hahaha.tpi in a bank?what u really need
is LANGUAGE @ soft skill.
my grammar may berterabur but i am dare
to say that i am dare to use my english skill.haha.
so,i'll be bond with OCBC fer almost 6 months.
and after that,still working with them
if they want us.
if not,ape susah,cari kerja lainla.

what about the myvi? this.i have a dream which to have a car
within this year.but it is nearly the end of 2011
yet,i still dun have one.
so,i think i nak fulfill kan my dream nih
when i got my first salary
from ocbc.*which is half-month salary*
so,i need some times to think
but if u have any opinion,u may voice it out peeps:)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

first job.last day.

after 4 months struggle stay kat cini,well,
at last aku akan melangkah pergi untuk
tinggalkan company nie,which means.meninggalkan
3 henpon nokia ku dri di bawa ke mana2.
Thank God!mls gila nk bwk hempon nih merata-rata.
but guesss what?!aku lom submit lagi notice resign!
ehehe.sbb apa?sbb boss takde dalam opis lah.
time2 nilah dia ntah ke mana.aduhai nye punn~

okay.well ekceli semlm i was attending an interview for a position
"customer service executive"..lame..i know i know.
tpi yg nih banking industry and the bank is gonna be
OCBC bank - Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation.
belom.belom kompom lagi.esok aku attend interview OCBC.
smlm baru level 1 and wat test.alhamdulillah.session smlm
was a success!esok tak tahu lah mcm mana.
why?sbb this bank client dia mostly singaporean.
you know lah kan singaporean ni..
english kene kencang beb!aku nih suam suam kuku aje.
ape2 pon,aku dh capai tahap ni,just doakan lah aku wat yg
the best ye.ammiinn.")

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

bersedey sedey dan beronok ronok

last weekend was amazing people!really one!
when my family were lingering around me,thats the best!
last weekend was my brother solemnization.melaka!
and this time,future-son-in-law of my mom pon ikot sama.
*my la,sape lagi*
mule2 rase agak cuak mengenangkan ape reaksi fmly aku nnti.
tp,alhamdulillah!everyone suke dia.especially my anak2 fruit.
huk3.mmg best even though ade la sikit kekecewaan belaku.
no matter what,we are family.air diincang takkan putos deee~

Thursday, November 24, 2011

perangai macam sampah!

patot ke tak buat perangai pd org yg
bagi kasih syg kat kau 200%?
patot tak kita "ter"sepak orang tu?
pon boley TERsepak kan?
boley pulak kau kata,syg,tpi dengan dia,
perangaikau mcm harem.
ape nak jdi ni?dh tak reti nk
besyukor ke?jgn lah pkir ape yg ko
dh wat kat dia.
ce ko pkir lak ape pengorbanan
yg dia dh wat kat ko.ce pkir.
tlglah jgn mcm sampah sgt.rasional la sikit.
mlm2 bute which 1 pagi,ko soh dia hantar ko la
ape la.ape ni??wth!hoi!wake up lah!
matang sikit,please?

Monday, November 14, 2011


mencilah cm ni.
tdo kol 2 je pon,bukan kol 4.
pon takleh tahan.ngantoks!!rase
nak naik sofa,bumm!!
memandangkan ade new staff,
kene lah tunjok berhemah cikit.hik3
ape nak wat ni??
tulun tulun!
memang dasar baby,kne tdo sharp kol 12.

eh,ari ni nak msk ape ekh?
smlm dh masak nasik lemak.
mmg lazat sampai tambah 3x wo..
haha..masak kangkong ngan telor je la.
mls nk pkir:(

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

wajar or tak wajar??

its wajar, bukan waja okay.
dalam dilema actually.nak benti keje or nak stay.
if ikotkan hati marah last week,nak benti.
kalau ikotkan keselesaan bekerja,rase nak stay.
kenapa kau tanye?
penah tak korang g keje,ley on9?penah?
i mean selain waktu lunch la.
update blog?mcm yg aku wat skrg ni?
tak kan.mesti korang pressure mcm nak mampos kan.
so,aku punye keje sgt2 lah tak memrlukan aku
berfikir.cume bercakap.haha.tuh kelebihan aku,kan?
lagi best,g keje pakai jeans,ade korang pakai?
haha.lantak lah korang nak pkir ape.
actually aku ade gak terpikir nak tukar keje.
byk kali mencuba,tapi seolah-olah mcm keadaan tak
mengizinkan.xcident la,ape la.hurm.
memang la gaji aku tak delah cecah 2k tpi cukoplah
ntok aku.siapa kata aku tak teringin
gaji besar??teringin.tapi tulah.dalam dilema.
*ckp mcm dh dpt keje lain*haha
memanglah baru apply,tapi tu lah.dapat bank
2x panggil intrview,tak pegi sbb bile buat review sal keje tu,
ya ampunn!!tobat korang pon taknak.
so,aku mcm nk stay sampai ujung tahun ni je la kot.
sbb abg aku kahwin 3 dis.kalau aku tukar keje,susahla nak dpt cuti.
tempat sekarang??apply 1 day before pon,
sah2 dpt cuti.hik3.kadang2 ponteng ajerr..hik3
so,ape pendapat korang?
ce suare kan.tq!